기사 (4,155건)
Stan Lee | 2019-05-17 15:26
China TCL claims 1st place in TV market sales in US in March, surpassing Samsung Electronics
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-05-17 15:24
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AMAT of US is active in OLED deposition equipment sales in China
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-05-13 15:28
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-05-13 15:28
Challenging the Stronghold of Sony ... Samsung image sensor is targeting the No. 1 Market Spot
JY HAN | 2019-05-12 20:41
Stan Lee | 2019-05-12 20:37
President Moon: “Let’s achieve 10% market share of fabless and become No. 1 foundry in the world by 2030.”
Yy Lee | 2019-05-07 10:51
Yy Lee | 2019-05-07 10:50
Stan Lee | 2019-05-07 10:50
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Development of Canon Tokki’s deposition equipment for large scaled OLED is at its last stage
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-05-02 08:05
LG Electronics works on to move its smartphone production facility in Pyeongtaek to Vietnam
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-05-02 08:05
Silicon Works, first after becoming an LG affiliate, to produce chips at Samsung foundry
Yy Lee | 2019-04-26 09:34
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Sharp is rejected by Samsung Electronics yet again
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-04-26 09:34
JY HAN | 2019-04-22 16:29
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CrucialTec supplies fingerprint recognition modules for Samsung smartphones for the first time
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-04-19 10:39
JY HAN | 2019-04-17 17:45
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National core technology designation for semiconductor and display production equipment to be delayed to December
JY HAN | 2019-04-17 17:42
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KPS Corp. and Hansong Neotech in fierce Competition over BOE of China’s OLED Mask Tensor Orders
Jong Jun Lee | 2019-04-17 17:30
Gijong Lee | 2019-04-17 17:30
Gijong Lee | 2019-04-17 17:30