기사 (163건) 리스트형 웹진형 타일형 LG Energy develops solid-state battery that can charge at ambient temperature LG Energy develops solid-state battery that can charge at ambient temperature BASF and CATL to collaborate in cathode active material BASF and CATL to collaborate in cathode active material WCP’s IPO plan shadowed by patent battle with Asahi Kasei WCP’s IPO plan shadowed by patent battle with Asahi Kasei LG Energy puts equity investment into nickel maker Greatpower LG Energy puts equity investment into nickel maker Greatpower SK Innovation approves motion to split battery and petrochemical businesses SK Innovation approves motion to split battery and petrochemical businesses Hyundai and LG Energy start construction of 10GWh factory in Indonesia Hyundai and LG Energy start construction of 10GWh factory in Indonesia SK Materials to spend 850 billion won for new silicon anode factory SK Materials to spend 850 billion won for new silicon anode factory Onejoon to develop silicon anode process tech Onejoon to develop silicon anode process tech Xavis to lead EV battery inspection kit project Xavis to lead EV battery inspection kit project SK Innovation signs 10 trillion won deal for cathode with EcoPro SK Innovation signs 10 trillion won deal for cathode with EcoPro Wonik PNE to supply Norhvolt with charge discharge equipment Wonik PNE to supply Norhvolt with charge discharge equipment Hana to supply battery production kit to Freyr Hana to supply battery production kit to Freyr 처음처음이전이전12345678910다음다음다음끝끝