UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
Entegris grew to double digits with semiconductor material and process solutions
Entegris grew to double digits with semiconductor material and process solutions
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2019.01.04 10:38
  • 댓글 0
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Expansion of facility investment in Chang'an factory
Communicate through Clean Chemical Delivery Conference
[Semicon Korea 2019 Exhibitor]
EUV reticle pods designed to protect the reticle.
EUV reticle pods designed to protect the reticle.

Entegris, a semiconductor material and process solutions company, has set a double-digit growth target in 2019. It will continue to invest in facilities such as constructing new buildings on vacant land in Jangan factory in Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi Province. Its workforce continues to increase. In order to reduce the utilization rate due to the contraction of the downstream industry investment, Entegris will carry out the process improvement such as research and development as well as the advancement of the customer certification process. It is a strategy to make the quantum jump (major leap) through thorough preparation as the market is expected to rebound beginning in 2020.

Material and process solutions are becoming increasingly important due to the migration of semiconductor microprocessing. In order to secure the yield and productivity, the industry started to consider material refining, filter and purity from the development stage, which had not been of much concern before. The room was clean, but it was realized that the bowl holding the ingredients was dirty. There is a difference in purity between the tap water fresh from the water purification plant and the tap water from each household faucet. It is the intrinsic direction of Entegris to make it possible to maintain purity from start to finish.

Entegris has the ability to address both the pollution control, material handling and materials markets of high-tech industries such as semiconductors and displays. It was founded in 1966 and established a branch in Korea in 1996. As of 2017, the company recorded sales of $ 254 million (about 280 billion won) in Korea. Although the final figures have not been finalized, 2018 is expected to be higher than expected due to the semiconductor boom. Jae-won Kim, CEO of Entegris Korea, said, "Although the market will be difficult in 2019, we aim to achieve double-digit growth compared to 2018 by the first half of the year," and added, "In the long term, the semiconductor market is expected to move upwards. There are things to prepare according to the market condition.”

Entegris Korea will continue to expand its Jangan plant in 2019. The facility investment cost is 50 billion won in addition to this place and the Suwon R & D center in Gyeonggi-do. It is the largest in the last five years. Its manpower also increased by more than 30% in 2018. In the meantime, Gas Purification Systems (GPS) 'Gatekeeper' made in Singapore has also moved to Jangan factory. "The Jangan factory is building a new building on vacant land, and with the increase in employment, it will enter the economic stage of scale," CEO Kim said.

It plans to respond to market drops with products that do not rely on facility investment. Even if a new plant is not built, the material and process solutions continue to be needed as long as the existing plant utilization rates remain above a certain level. The rear industry ecosystems are not bad if there is a lot of facility investment. The ability to actively cope with rapid changes in the market is a clear differentiator.

Purifier for solvent Purasol.
Purifier for solvent Purasol.

The market for the next generation of exposure equipment, the EUV (Extreme Ultra Violet) lithography, is also in full swing. Filters, tubes, and piping can support pellicles for mask protection. The industry is moving from keeping the pollution level low, adding equipment or changing recipes to a preventive strategy. Prevention and control of defects is essential to control initial yield.

"Our goal is to provide our customers with a process solution to reach their desired yields," said CEO Kim. "It's a way to reduce the risk of small dust, material contamination and the risk of each process. It is crucial that we are not alone, and that everyone should reach the same level."

Stability is basic as much as it is handling chemicals. Based on the Global Environmental Health and Safety (HES) principle, Entegris provides a healthy working space for both employees and customers. It ensures that the product can be safely transported to the customer's site, and provides a special container for emergency situations (SDS series, even if the cylinder breaks, but the material does not flow out).

There are also a few difficulties. Communication with stakeholders connected directly or indirectly with the downstream industrial ecosystem is essential. That's why it is continuing its campaign. Also, this is why it held a 'Clean Chemical Delivery Conference' with over 30 companies in charge of material, production, quality, and research. It aims to protect all elements related to semiconductor production facilities from invisible threats.

"The fourth industrial revolution has created significant growth opportunities in the semiconductor industry and related ecosystems," said CEO Kim. "Our customers have a need to develop faster, higher quality chips faster," he added, "Entegris will be an important and strategic partner to meet the needs of our customers."

Jaewon Kim, Entegris Korea CEO.
Jaewon Kim, Entegris Korea CEO.


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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
  • 제호 : THE ELEC, Korea Electronics Industry Media
  • 등록번호 : 서울, 아05435
  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행일 : 2018-10-15
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