UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
Over 30 million smartphones shipped in May at China
Over 30 million smartphones shipped in May at China
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.18 21:59
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Huawei will likely clinch No.1 in global shipment in May as well
Image: CAICT
Image: CAICT

Smartphone shipment reached 32.66 million units in May in China, according to government-backed research institute China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) on Thursday.

It is a decline of 24.1% from the previous month’s 40.78 million units and a 10.4% decline year over year, CAICT said. The April figure was a 17.2% rise year over year.

According to research firm IDC, last year, Huawei shipped 140.6 million smartphones in China, accounting for 58.6% of the total shipment.

The Chinese tech giant was shopping growth in its home market this year as well. Huawei controlled a 42.6% market share in the first quarter based on shipment, a rise of 7.1% from a year ago. 

Shipment in the quarter of 28.4 million units was a 4.4% decline from its shipment of 29.7 million units in the same time period a year ago, but it was a stronger performance than the total shipment which contracted 20.3%.

In the fourth quarter of last year, the company controlled 38.5% market share in shipment.

Huawei, in its 2019 annual report, said it moved 240 million smartphones globally in that year with 6.9 million of them being 5G smartphones. 

According to research firm CounterPoint, Huawei was the biggest mover of smartphones in April with 21.4% market share, overtaking Samsung for the first time. The South Korean tech giant has 19.1% market share. Worldwide shipment in the month was 69.37 million units.

Given CAICT’s recently published data, Huawei will likely again be the leader in shipment in May over Samsung, given its control over its home market.

Meanwhile, CounterPoint said Samsung controlled 43% market share in 5G smartphones last year, followed by Huawei’s 34%. In contrast, research firm Strategy Analytics said Huawei moved more 5G smartphones with 36.9% market share, followed by Samsung’s 35.8%.

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