UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Materials used in 28GHz 5G smartphones needs improvement, LG says
Materials used in 28GHz 5G smartphones needs improvement, LG says
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.07.04 10:07
  • 댓글 0
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4G was fine thanks to polyimide films but 5G was a different story
Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec

A LG researcher said on Friday that materials used in smartphones that support 28GHz spectrum of 5G networks are still expensive is in need of improvement.

Song Gi-chang of LG Electronics’ Materials & Devices Advanced Research Institute said at the Nano Korea 2020 trade show at KINTEX, Ilsan said in 4G LTE networks, materials used previously was used well to make devices but the ultra-high spectrum in 5G networks will require different materials.

The current materials used was barely meeting the requirements and very expensive, he added.

There was no problem in sub-6GHz spectrum of 5G networks as polyimide film has replaced liquid crystal polymer. These are used in flexible copper clad laminate (FCCL) used to make flexible printed circuit of smartphones. 

Kim Dae-nyun, director at NexFlex, who was also speaking at the trade show, said liquid crystal polymer showed better characteristics in terms of hygroscopic but traditional polyimide film was better suited for making flexible printed circuits. Low loss polyimide was not lacking its volatility compared to liquid crystal polymer, he added.

NexFlex was founded in July 2019. It acquired SK Innovation’s flexible cooper clad laminate business and owns a 100% share in SkyFlex. It has a production capacity for FCCL of 650,000 meter-square per month.

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