UPDATED. 2024-10-15 17:05 (화)
Hanmi launches new flip chip bonder for high-end chips
Hanmi launches new flip chip bonder for high-end chips
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.08.25 23:05
  • 댓글 0
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The equipment has 8 die bonding headers 
Image: Hanmi
Image: Hanmi

Hanmi Semiconductor has launched its new Flip Chip Bonder-5.0 aimed at high-end semiconductor production, the company said on Tuesday.

It is the fifth generation in the series of bonders. The fourth generation model was launched three years ago.

Flip chip bonders are used to connect circuits when a semiconductor chip is placed on the printed circuit board. It uses solder bumping that allows for smaller and finer process execution compared to wire bonding that uses gold, silver or copper.

Flip chip bonders are usually used for high-end semiconductors that go into smartphones, smart watches and wireless earphones.

Flip Chip Bonder-5.0 has 8 multi-die bonding headers, allowing it to be highly productive, Hanmi said. Smart machine feature has also increased accuracy and convenience of use, the company said.

It is hoping for orders from global semiconductor companies going forward.

Company CEO Kim Min-hyun said most companies have relied on bonder made in Europe but its latest offering will allow South Korean companies to localize their supply of equipment.

Meanwhile, according to SEMI, semiconductor fab spending is expected to reach US$70 billion in 2021, a rise of 10.8% from this year.

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