UPDATED. 2024-10-15 17:05 (화)
LG InnoTek CEO named KAPID chair 
LG InnoTek CEO named KAPID chair 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.08.25 23:05
  • 댓글 0
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Jeong to work to expand LED supply in South Korea
Image: KAPID
Image: KAPID

LG InnoTek CEO Jeong Cheol-dong has been named the eighth executive chairman of the Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development (KAPID), the association said on Tuesday.

Jeong said, as the new chairman, he will form a network for collaboration within the photonics industry, expand remote consulting to help exports as well as expand South Korea’s LED business.

He will also work to have the association chosen as a government approved official statistician for photonics industry and also build a new support center for the industry.

The association will work to increase LED supply in South Korea to assist in green growth in a post-COVID-19 world, Jeong said.

The LG InnoTek CEO was chosen to the post in June.

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