Samsung Electronics said on Wednesday that its smart TV has received the Tried and Tested Accreditation from the UK’s Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).
The South Korean tech giant has been collaborating with the RNIB since 2013 to increase accessibility of TVs for those who are visually impaired, the company said.
In 2016, Samsung added a feature that explained TV programs and setting with audio for those who are visually impaired. It also added a high contrast feature that added white letters to blurry black backgrounds then.
The company said it added further accessibility feature on its 2020-model smart TVs.
A smart magnifying feature that mirrored the smartphone camera to the TV so that small letters could been seen on larger screen was added. Letters for TV control could also be enlarged.
Samsung said it will continue to improve accessibility to its TVs so that all people could enjoy contents equally.