UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
LG Chem, SK Innovation trade barbs over Patent 994
LG Chem, SK Innovation trade barbs over Patent 994
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.07 15:59
  • 댓글 0
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US Patent 10,121,994
Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec

South Korean battery makers LG Chem and SK Innovation continued their public battle of wars over their battery tech theft lawsuit over the weekend.

Their PR campaign against each other mostly revolved around Patent 994 (US Patent 10,121,994).

SK Innovation sued LG Chem last year in September 3 to the US International Trade Commission (ITC), claiming LG violated the said patent. 

LG Chem said it already had precedent technology of the patent in question. LG also said the more important question was whether SK had data of the precedent technology and why it wanted to destroy such data.

SK Innovation admitted Patent 994 was submitted by an ex-LG Chem employee, but stressed that they joined SK in 2008 and the precedent technology LG claim was only commercialized in 2013.

SK also said LG filed now objects to Patent 994 being filed at the time. SK also said LG is arguing with the conclusion that turnover equals technology leak and ignoring all the specific facts in between.

ITC is expected to make a final judgment on the case on October 5. The two companies are still embroiled in multiple lawsuit besides the ITC case, and, unless there is a dramatic settlement between the two, the dispute will likely continue to escalate.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
  • 제호 : THE ELEC, Korea Electronics Industry Media
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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
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