UPDATED. 2024-10-09 10:30 (수)
Seagate launches 18TB enterprise hard disk drive
Seagate launches 18TB enterprise hard disk drive
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.20 13:30
  • 댓글 0
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In its Exos X18 series
Image: Seagate
Image: Seagate

Seagate has launched the Exos X18 18TB helium-filled hard disk drive aimed at the enterprise.

It has both SATA and SAS interface. The drive is a 7200 RPM CMR (conventional magnetic recording) drive with a 256MB multi-segmented cache.

Users of the drive will be able to expand their data storage at a reasonable price, Seagate said.

The drive is optimized for low-latency large data transfers, and a power balance feature that allows customization of the power consumption for the best possible watts/TB given a particular set of workloads. 

Exos X18 also has Seagate Secure. It has improved read and write IOPS performance compared to its predecessors that used the 512e and 4KN format.

According to ReThink Data, enterprise data market will grow on average 42.2% per year for the next two years.  

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