UPDATED. 2024-09-09 06:53 (월)
Keysight launches radar target simulator for automobiles
Keysight launches radar target simulator for automobiles
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.22 19:49
  • 댓글 0
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It has three channels for multi-target
Image: Keysight Technologies
Image: Keysight Technologies

Keysight Technologies has launched a new radar target simulator and Ethernet software for application in the automobile sector.

Radars are expected to be installed more on automobiles going forward. According to IHS Markit, automobile radars market will contract 20% this year compared to 2019 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it will grow on average 6% up to 2026 afterwards. The market will be worth US$6.3 billion in 2026, the research firm said.

Rader module is a must for autonomous vehicles, Keysight said, and must have precision. The US company used its knowledge from RF design to develop the simulator that will help in radar design and performance verification, it said.

The new simulator, called RTA E8708A supports a wider frequency band compared  to its predecessor E8707A. It can measure 77GHz to 81GHz and 76GHz to 77GHz. E8707A could only measure 76GHz to 77GHz.

The new simulator also has three channels allowing for multi-target and multi-angle. One channel measures the variable distance and the two others fixed distances. Variable distance has a minimum range of 4 meters and a maximum of 300 meters. The fixed distance channels can measure 90 degrees each.

Ethernet is being applied to telecom standards in cars from the increase in video data. Ethernet has a wider bandwidth compared to controller area network standard that are used now. A Keysight spokesperson said the company is expecting access to entertainment on cars that is level to that of smartphones.

Keysight’s Ethernet channel test can use a 15 meter single balanced twisted pair cable. It has four in line connectors and 2 mating connectors.

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