UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
KT-led AI One Team touts achievements
KT-led AI One Team touts achievements
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.09.28 18:21
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Image: KT
Image: KT

KT led AI One Team, an industry alliance of companies collaborating in artificial intelligence (AI) services, has shared their achievements of the past six months at their own summit on Friday, the telco said.

AI One Team started with KT, Hyundai Heavy Group, KAIST, Hanyang University and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in February of this year.

LG Electronics, LG Uplus and Korea Investment Securities joined up in June and Dongwon Group is now a member as of September.

KT said its AI speaker Giga Genie has secured over 2.5 million users within three years.

Hyundai said it expected to show results of its development of intelligence service robots within the year at the earliest.

LG Uplus and LG Electronics are working on an epidemic prevention model that uses AI in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

LG Electronics and KT were attempting to sync their respective AI services together.

Korea Investment Securities is planning to adopt KT’s AI education platform AiDU to foster AI talents.

Dongwon Group is planning to apply AI in product development and smart factory solutions.

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