UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Dreamtech the sole supplier of Fold 2 fingerprint module
Dreamtech the sole supplier of Fold 2 fingerprint module
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.10.08 14:05
  • 댓글 0
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Capacitive modules
Image: Dreamtech
Image: Dreamtech

Dreamtech said Thursday that it was the exclusive supplier of capacitive fingerprint readers for the Galaxy Z Fold 2.

The reader is placed the right side of the Fold 2, under the volume button.

Dreamtech was the first to supply Samsung with fingerprint reading modules for smartphones, beginning in 2016. The company has supplied its modules for the Galaxy A and M series as well.

Dreamtech has so far supplied its fingerprint readers for the Galaxy Fold and Galaxy Z Flip as well, it said.

It will develop the most optimal fingerprint readers for various form factors as the foldable phone market is expected to grow going forward, the company said.

However, Dreamtech is lacking behind in fingerprint-on-display (FoD) technology. Foldable smartphones are avoiding the technology as it will make their already thick devices even thicker.

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