UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
RFsemi enters MEMS-based 6-inch foundry business
RFsemi enters MEMS-based 6-inch foundry business
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.10.20 23:06
  • 댓글 0
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Demand from CCTV, AI speakers to fuel growth 
Image: RFsemi
Image: RFsemi

Semiconductor materials company RFsemi will start its own microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) foundry business, the company said.

MEMS utilizes semiconductor production process to integrate ultra-small, micrometer-sized mechanical components and circuits on silicon wafers.

Microphones made with this processors are better for mobile devices compared to electronic condenser microphones used previously.

RFsemi said there were only three companies at most that operates 6-inch wafer fabs in South Korea and none that has MEMS technology.

There was not enough companies to meeting the rising to demand for such contract-production, or foundry, the company said. It has have received many requests from customers to start such a foundry operations and is starting the new business to meet their demand, RFsemi said.

RFsemi has a 6-inch wafer fab with production capacities of 10,000 wafers per month at Jeonju. 

It will produce MEMS microphones in this facility, it said. Demand from MEMS microphones was increasing from CCTVs, home appliances and artificial intelligence (AI) speakers.

RFsemi said it has also started production of multi lens array for use in infrared sensors and power semiconductors.

The company will expand its foundry business from rising demand in sensors for pressure, medial image and autonomous cars going forward, it said.

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