UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Nepes Ark seeks large Samsung CIS order
Nepes Ark seeks large Samsung CIS order
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.10.24 10:22
  • 댓글 0
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Also in talks with US AP maker
Image: Nepes Ark
Image: Nepes Ark

Semiconductor testing firm Nepes Ark is aiming to win a large order from Samsung Electronics to test CMOS image sensors (CIS), TheElec has learned.

Samsung is expanding its CIS production to catch up to market leader Sony, which is making it difficult for the South Korean tech to test them all on its own.

The chip testing company said it was working hard to become the exclusive vendor for testing by 2022.

Nepes Ark was also in talks with a US application processor maker for a potential deal in 2021, the company said.

Nepes Ark was founded in April 1, 2019 split-off from parent company Nepes.

Nepes wins orders for chip packages, bumping and testing __ it will give its testing work to Nepes Ark.

Samsung Electronics’ power management IC (PMIC) accounts for over 85% of Nepes Ark’s sales from wafer testing. Packaging test for Samsung’s OLED display driver IC accounts for the rest of its sales. These orders go through Nepes.

The company said its reliance on Nepes and Samsung will drop steadily going forward.

Nepes Ark is planning an IPO for November. It will issue around 2.3 million shares. Its asking price is between 23,400 to 26,500 won.

It will secure at least 54.76 billion won if the IPO is successful. Nepes Ark will use 46.1 billion won to expand its facilities to handle the order from Samsung. It will also make labs to allow it to test 5G RF chip and system-on-a-chip.

Nepes Ark is led by Lee Chang-woo, the son of Nepes founder Lee Byung-koo. The younger Lee previously worked at SKC Solmics. He joined Nepes in 2010.

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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
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