UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
Samsung Electro-Mechanics exec wins top prize for CPU board
Samsung Electro-Mechanics exec wins top prize for CPU board
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.11.25 17:56
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Firm show off new components at KCPAshow2020
Image: Samsung Electro-Mechanics
Image: Samsung Electro-Mechanics

Samsung Electro-Mechanics said on Tuesday that one of its executives responsible for development of boards will win the top price at KPCAshow2020 (Int'l Electronic Circuits and Packaging Show.

Kim Eung-soo, vice president at Samsung Electro-Mechanics, won the Minister Prize given by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy for his contributions in developing South Korea’s first homemade CPU and GPU package boards.

Kim said he was grateful for the prize as it shows Samsung Electro-Mechanics’ contribution to the semiconductor package board industry.

KPCAshow 2020, organized by the Korea Electronics Packaging and Circuits Association, is the shows 17th iteration and is South Korea’s largest tradeshow for electronic boards. The show will run from November 24 to 26 at Songdo Convensia at Incheon City, west of Seoul.

Samsung Electro-Mechanics VP Kim Eung-soo Image: Samsung Electro-Mechanics
Samsung Electro-Mechanics VP Kim Eung-soo Image: Samsung Electro-Mechanics

Samsung Electro-Mechanics displayed its semiconductor package board and system in package modules for 5G and automotive applications at the show.

The firm divided its offerings to advanced solution and IT solution for the show. 

Advanced solution include 5G antenna boards which combines antenna and RF module into one.

High density package board that has multi layer ceramic capacitor embedded them for faster signal transfers was also displayed. It is used for artificial intelligence accelerators and cars.

For IT solutions, Samsung Electro-Mechanics showed off a flip chip chip scale package that is 40% thinner than its predecessors.

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