UPDATED. 2024-09-09 06:53 (월)
Samsung SDI to apply more heat resistant separator in Gen5 battery
Samsung SDI to apply more heat resistant separator in Gen5 battery
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2020.11.30 21:11
  • 댓글 0
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Separator to withstand 200℃ heat
Image: Samsung SDI, BMW
Image: Samsung SDI, BMW

Samsung SDI will apply a new high-performance separator on its next-generation batteries that will be produced at its factory in Hungary, TheElec has learned.

The company is planning to apply a new separator that can withstand 200℃ of heat for its Gen5 battery to be produced at its Goed factory.

The move is likely done to ease concerns over battery safety arisen from the recent string of fires involving Kona EV.

The previous separator could withstand up to 150℃. When the batteries with the new separator will begin production haven’t been decided. Depending on the development schedule, it will likely begin production near the end of 2021.

Samsung SDI will spray the binders together with alumina or ceramic coating on the separator’s surface. This technology is called multi-layer coated separator. 

The increased integrity of the separator will allow for batteries to withstand heat better to avoid potential fires. Battery temperatures usually go up from external force, over voltage or impurities.

The separators themselves will likely be supplied by W-Scope. The company began supplying separators to Samsung SDI’s Xi’an factory last year. Samsung SDI had used Asahi Kasei and Toray’s separators before that.

Samsung SDI is planning to further upgrade the separator after Gen5. Its aim is to use separators that can withstand 250℃ heat by 2023 for Gen6 batteries.

Meanwhile, the company is planning to have Gen5 use 80% nickel cathode materials (nickel, cobalt and aluminum). It will also use the stacking method __ which stacks the cathode, anode and separator __ to produce Gen5 batteries.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
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