UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
Gyo-Young Jin, President of Samsung Electronics, Appointed as the 11th President of Korea Semiconductor Industry Association
Gyo-Young Jin, President of Samsung Electronics, Appointed as the 11th President of Korea Semiconductor Industry Association
  • JY HAN
  • 승인 2019.02.17 10:29
  • 댓글 0
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Former President, Vice Chairman Park Sung-Wook of SK Hynix, will assume the honorary chairman position
Gyo-Young Jin President of Samsung Electronics.
Gyo-Young Jin President of Samsung Electronics.

Gyo-Young Jin, the head (President) of the memory business division of Samsung Electronics Device Solution (DS) will assume the position of the 11th President of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association.

President Jin was elected as the President based on the unanimous vote by the board of directors at the regular seminar meeting of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association held on the 15th. Former President, Vice Chairman Park Sung-Wook of SK Hynix, will assume the honorary chairman position.

President Jin said, “Everyone is expecting that the year of 2019 will be a difficult one. It is clear from the long-term perspective, however, the demand for semiconductors is steadily increasing in the course of the fourth industrial revolution." He also added, "The Korean semiconductor industry has a lot of challenges to deal with, such as China's strong pursuit based on the huge capital and demand, as well as continued labor force and technology leakage. We will further strengthen our technological capability through R&D support to widen the gap between ourselves and our new competitors while exploring new opportunities."

He added, "I will try to engage the active interest and policy support of the government and the public so that the facility investment of our companies can be carried out in a timely manner."

On the day of the meeting, Lee Seok-Hee, CEO of SK Hynix, Hwang Chang-Seop, CEO of KEEC, Lee Hyun-Deok, CEO of Wonik IPS, and Lee Kyung-Il, Vice President of PSK were elected as new part-time chairmen. Also, Kang Chang-Jin, CEO of SEMES, Park Sang-Joon, CEO of Exicon, Choi Dong-Gyu, CEO of KCTech, Lee Jae-Ho, CEO of TES, Oh Heung-Sik, CEO of LOTVacuum, Lee Jae-Jung, CEO of Mecaro, Kim Dong-Cheon, CEO of Silicon Mitus, and Kim Boeun, CEO of Raontech have also been named as new members of the board of directors.

Lee Seok-hee, CEO of SK Hynix, said, "In the difficult times as the first half of this year, all the people working in the semiconductor industry need to work together to overcome it."

On the same day, the Association announced that it will △continue to strengthen its eco-system (supporting equipment and material parts and fabless-foundry industry), △secure next-generation growth engines (launching next-generation R & D new business, training manpower and consulting financial support), and △observe social values (reducing greenhouse gas, improving the industry image, and pursuing safe industrial sites).

"After last year, we plan to do various projects to make the semiconductor industry more robust this year," said Ki-Man Nam, Vice Chairman of Korea Semiconductor Industry Association.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
  • 제호 : THE ELEC, Korea Electronics Industry Media
  • 등록번호 : 서울, 아05435
  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행인 : JY HAN
  • 편집인 : JY HAN
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