UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Xilinx to reach 20 million accumulated shipment for car chips in 2021
Xilinx to reach 20 million accumulated shipment for car chips in 2021
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.12.10 06:41
  • 댓글 0
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Company vows to provide flexible solutions for automobiles
Image: Xilinx
Image: Xilinx

Xilinx will reach over 20 million accumulated unit shipment in automobile semiconductors next year, the company said on Wednesday.

The company had shipped 19.6 million units so far since 2006, it said.

More automobiles are using semiconductors from increased adoption of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving.

Xilinx supplies field programmable gate array (FPGA) chips made with 28nm and 16nm processes for automobiles. 

It has supplied its chips to companies such as Daimler, BYD, Magna, Hitachi and other major companies. Xilinx plans to continue in offering intelligent semiconductor for ADAS that controls lidar, sensor and cameras on cars.

Yousef Khalilollahi, vice president of sales, Asia-Pacific region, Xilinx, said in a press conference in Seoul that innovation speed in the automobile market has exceeded that of semiconductor design life cycles.

This requires a flexible solution from chip companies to meet the quickly evolving standard, which Xilinx has, the VP said. Combined with AMD’s computing performance, the pair will be able to supply chips for various industries, Khalilollahi said.

Xilinx is expecting, as sensors become more sophisticated, that the current distributed controller will change to a central controller in the next three to five years. High-end cars will make the changes first.

The company said it will also provide update to shorten latency time for data processing in autonomous cars.

Xilinx was also developing SiC chips for electric vehicles. SiC-based semiconductors can minimize power leakage and is more resistant to over current. It is collaborating with ON Semiconductor in the area.

AMD acquired Xilinx for Us$35 billion in October. The deal is to be completed late next year.


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