UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Naver and Intel to co-develop SmartNIC
Naver and Intel to co-develop SmartNIC
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.12.14 19:30
  • 댓글 0
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Korea cloud company to offer upgraded public cloud service
Image: Naver Cloud, Intel
Image: Naver Cloud, Intel

Naver Cloud and Intel will co-develop filed programmable grid array (FPGA)-based smart network interface card (NIC), the companies said on Monday.

The South Korean cloud service provider will use Intel’s solution to develop the smart NIC.

Naver Cloud has previously developed a SmartNIC using Intel’s FPGA solution back in 2019.

The latest agreement will aim uses these solution for Naver Cloud to offer a differentiated public cloud business model.

Naver Cloud is using SmartNIC for its servers for virtual private cloud service. Use of the cards have allowed the company top drop service delay time by two to three times, the company said. The servers can now also maintain data traffic twenty times higher. Power consumption and cost has also declined.

Naver’s virtual private cloud service is used by Hanwha Life, Tongyang Life Insurance and NH Bank.

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