UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
LG Display to display transparent OLED panels at CES 2021
LG Display to display transparent OLED panels at CES 2021
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.12.31 19:35
  • 댓글 0
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Panels to be shown as train window and restaurant partitions
Image: LG Display
Image: LG Display

LG Display on Thursday said it will display transparent OLED panels at the upcoming online CES 2021.

The company said the panels have a transparency rate of 40%. LG Display said this was way higher than liquid crystal display’s (LCD) 10% and the panels are glass clear.

LG Display said it will show off three exhibition zones for the panels called smart home, metro and restaurant.

In the smart home zone, there will be smart bed that combines the transparent panel with a bed. The panel is installed on the bed’s frame and will show weather information, TV programs and movies. The frame can be separated from the bed to be moved around the house.

In the metro zone, the panel replaces the glass windows of the train. Passengers will be able to enjoy the view while browse information through them.

In the restaurant zone, the transparent panel are used as petition between the customer and cook. They can be used for menu board and a TV.

The online exhibition will be opened to everybody, LG Display said.

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