UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
RAN market to grow by 3% in 2021
RAN market to grow by 3% in 2021
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2021.02.08 18:06
  • 댓글 0
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According to Dell’Oro Group
Image: Dell'Oro Group
Image: Dell'Oro Group

RAN market in 2021 is expected to grow 3% from 2020, according to Dell’Oro Group.

China’s will grow by 4%, while North America and Europe will grow 2% and 3%, respectively, the research firm said.

The worldwide RAN market will be worth US$35 billion on average from 2021 to 2025, the firm said.

This was 13% higher than the annual average of US$31 billion from 2001 to 2020, it said.

Investments into mmWave RAN will expand quickly in the next five years, the research firm said. Sales in the area will double by 2025 compared to 2021.

Open RAN will accumulate sales of US$10 billion in the next five years, Dell’Oro said. They will account for over 10% of sales in the total RAN market by 2025, it said.

Discussions and attitudes towards Open RAN has shifted in the past six months, the firm said. The question in the industry has shifted from when Open RAN will be possible to when and in what scope Open RAN should be applied, the firm said.

Meanwhile investments into 5G is expected to slowdown further in South Korea. SK Telecom’s capital expenditure was 24% lower in 2020 compared to 2019. SK Telecom said the company expects its CAPEX in 2021 to remain to similar levels of the previous year.

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