UPDATED. 2024-10-09 10:30 (수)
SK Global Chemical and Logisall to reduce trash in deliveries 
SK Global Chemical and Logisall to reduce trash in deliveries 
  • yoo tai young
  • 승인 2021.02.08 18:06
  • 댓글 0
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Pair to develop environmentally friendly material for packaging
Image: SK Global Chemical
Image: SK Global Chemical

SK Global Chemical and Logisall on Monday said they will collaborate to reduce trash that accrues during packaging and delivery.

SK Global Chemical president Na Kyung-soo and Logisall chairman Suh Byong-yoon attended an MOU signing ceremony for the collaboration on the same day.

Logisall rents out pallets and containers used in distribution. It is offers its services to electronics and chemical industry.

The pair will combine their respective knowledges to reduce trash that accrues during distribution. They will co-develop eco-friendly plastic materials, collaborate in recycling plastic, shift paper and styrofoam to plastics and co-develop eco-friendly packaging material.


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