Qualcomm on Tuesday unveiled two 5G Modem-RF Systems, Snapdragon X65 and Snapdragon X62.
The Gen 4 Snapdragon X65 5G modem is the world’s first modem-RF system based on 3GPP Release 16. It provides download speed of up to 10Gbps, which means 33GB UHD film can be downloaded within 30 seconds.
RF output can also be increased when connected with Qualcomm 545mmWave antenna module. It supports all mmWave spectrum, including the new n259 spectrum (41GHz).
The system also has artificial intelligence antenna tuning technology applied. This allows for it to detect 30% more accurately which hand is holding the 5G smartphone. This allows data transfer to avoid the hand, which increases data transfer speed. Improvement in tuning also increases data transfer speed, coverage and battery life.
The system also supports TDD and FDD at mmWave and sub-6GHz spectrums. It also has improved power saving thanks to Qualcomm 5G PowerSave 2.0 Smart Transmit 2.0 also increases data transfer ate and coverage.
Snapdragon X62 is the budget model of X65. X62 also provides multi gigabit download speeds.
The systems have already been supplied to manufacturers, who will launch 5G smartphones using them early this year, Qualcomm said.