UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
Hansol Technics to supply more LCD modules to Samsung TV
Hansol Technics to supply more LCD modules to Samsung TV
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.02.19 19:52
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Company expanding its 2nd factory in Vietnam
Image: MTC
Image: MTC

Hansol Technics said on Thursday that it was expanding its second factory at Vietnam due to large increases in orders for liquid crystal display (LCD) modules and power boards.

The company will give 27.6 billion won in guaranteed loans to Hansol Electronics Vietnam Hochiminhcity, its factory subsidiary, to cover the cost of the expansion.

Hansol Electronics Vietnam Hochiminhcity was formed in December 2019 by Hansol Technics, with 3.57 billion won. 

Hansol Technics began production of LCD modules and power boards following requests from Samsung Electronics that year. The factories there began production in 2020.

LCD modules are comprised of the LCD panel and LED backlight unit. A TV is completed after the LCD modules are put in a covering.

Hansol Technics entered the LCD module business from request of Samsung’s Visual Display (VD) business in 2019. Samsung wanted Hansol to become its contract manufacturer, sources told TheElec at the time, as the Chinese contract manufacturer is was using then to produce 30-inch TVs was a potential competitor. The owners of Hansol Group has family ties with owners of Samsung Group.

Sources said Hansol Technics would eventually be producing full TV sets, not just LCD TV modules. Its first factory in Vietnam began operations in April 2020. Sales from LCD modules are began in the second quarter. Hansol began the construction of the second factory there in the second half of 2020. The second factory can not only produce LCD modules and power boards, but assemble TV sets.

Samsung Electronics is increasing its use of contract manufacturers for TVs to save cost. It mostly outsourced production for 30-inch TVs but this is being expanded 40 to 50-inch range TVs. Hansol Technics is expects to produce millions of units of TVs for Samsung annually.

Hansol Technics’ mainstay is power boards. Since 2014, it has been contract producing budget smartphones for Samsung Electronics as well. Last year, the company posted 1.19 trillion won in sales and 32.4 billion won in operating income, a rise of 22.9% and 27.5%, respectively, from 2019. Hansol Technic credited the growth its expanded power board and LCD module businesses as well as increased profitability of its wireless charging module and auto-component businesses.

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