UPDATED. 2024-09-05 22:55 (목)
Samsung memory boss named new KSIA chairman
Samsung memory boss named new KSIA chairman
  • JY Han
  • 승인 2021.02.23 17:07
  • 댓글 0
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Director Ahn Ki-hyun promoted
Lee Jung-bae, head of Samsung's memory business, was named the new chairman of KSIA. Image: Samsung
Lee Jung-bae, head of Samsung's memory business, was named the new chairman of KSIA. Image: Samsung

Samsung Electronics’ president of its memory business has been named the chairman of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA).

Lee Jung-bae will become the 12th chairman of the association, starting in March until February 2022, unless there are objections.

Lee, a graduate of Seoul National University with a degree in electrical engineering, joined Samsung Electronics in 1992. He was named as the head of key posts within the tech giant’s memory business, including as director of DRAM development. He was promoted to president and head of the memory business last year.

Though the tenure for the KSIA chairmanship is three years, Lee’s is only a year as the previous chairman Jin Gyo-young stepped down after only two years in the top post due to his position at Samsung changing from the head of memory to the head of Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology. 

Presidents from Samsung and SK Hynix take turns in heading KSIA, with each company guaranteed to head the organization for three years. If someone can’t finish the three years, another from the same company will take up the post for the remaining time.

In a statement, Lee said the South Korean semiconductor industry had many challenges to overcome, including the fast-changing global market, the rise of China and leaking of technology and talents. He said he felt a tremendous responsibility as head of KSIA in these times, and will work to make sure the South Korean semiconductor industry continues to act as the growth engine for the South Korean economy.

KSIA also promoted Ahn Ki-hyun from executive director to senior executive director. In a letter sent to association members, KSIA said Ahn has contributed greatly to the development of the semiconductor industry in his five years as director. He was promoted due to the increased importance of his post as liaison with the government, National Assembly and the media, KSIA said in its letter.

Lam Research Korea president Lee Sang-won was also named as a new director at KSIA.

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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행인 : JY HAN
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