UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
Partron to launch more 5G modules with Qualcomm solutions
Partron to launch more 5G modules with Qualcomm solutions
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.04.06 17:06
  • 댓글 0
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Image: Partron
Image: Partron

Partron said on Monday that it will expand its 5G telecommunication module that uses Qualcomm’s solutions.

The South Korean component maker currently uses Snapdragon X55, X62, X65 and 5G modem-RF systems for its 5G products.

It is preparing to manufacture LGA/M.2 module, 5G customer premise equipment, hotspot and routers that use Snapdragon X55.

Partron has been developing sub-6GHz and mmWave module using Snapdragon X55 since 2020. It has already received approval for its products for use on LG Uplus’ 5G network. LG Uplus has used the CPEs for the private network it built for a local university.

Partron will supply 5G mmWave hotspot to the telco starting at the end of 2021.

The company is also part of a national project to build 5G mmWave infrastructure.

It will also supply its modules through a US partner to Latin America and the Middle East beginning in the second half of the year.

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