UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Philoptics wins more orders for DI exposure machine used in chip production
Philoptics wins more orders for DI exposure machine used in chip production
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.04.10 11:01
  • 댓글 0
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Firm aims for 100 billion won in revenue in 2025 from chip equipment
Image: Philoptics
Image: Philoptics

Philoptics said on Friday that it has won additional orders for its back side align (BSA) direct image (DI) exposure machine used in semiconductor production.

The machines uses special lighting and camera to detect BSA mark on wafers. It can increase the accuracy of the alignment between the front and back sides of the wafer.

Philoptics’ machine also doesn’t require a mask as it uses a digital micromirror device.

The company said demand for DI exposure machines are high from customer’s attempt to improve their alignment accuracy in 3D packaging processes such as  panel level packaging, as well as their attempt to put in patterns such as QR code on wafers and printed circuit boards.

A Philoptics spokesperson said it is expecting larger orders for DI exposure machines, once its customer decides to spend more on next-generation chip production lines.

Philoptics began development of DI exposure machines for printed circuit boards as part of a national project in 2010.

It developed an exposure machine for PCB pattering in 2018, and a roll-to-roll DI exposure machine in 2019. It is the only supplier of the machines for commercial production lines. They have been used in photo processes of flexible PCBs.

Last month, the company said at is shareholders’ meeting that it expected meaningful sales from its wafer bonding equipment, currently in development.

It is aiming to win orders for the new equipment this year. The bonders are used to cut out the chips from a wafer to attach them to semiconductor boards.

Philoptics is aiming to secure 100 billion won in annual sales from its semiconductor equipment business in 2025. 

Besides wafer bonding equipment and 3D inspection equipment, its is planing to supply a DI exposure machine that supports up to 2 micrometers, for use in semiconductor packaging processes.

Philoptics’ main revenue stream has been laser equipment used in the production of OLED displays. Its affiliate Philenergy is supplying equipment for battery production. Demand from battery companies is expected to lead the firm’s sales in 2021.

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