UPDATED. 2024-10-09 10:30 (수)
Dongwha Electrolyte to build factory in the US
Dongwha Electrolyte to build factory in the US
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2021.04.13 20:54
  • 댓글 0
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Company to spend 60 billion won
Image: Dongwha Electrolyte
Image: Dongwha Electrolyte

Dongwha Electrolyte is planning to build a new factory in the US, TheElec has learned.

The company is planning to spend 60 billion won for the electrolyte factory.

Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama are some of the states being considered.

These states fave factories run by SK Innovation, Ford, Hyundai Motor and other battery and automobile companies.

Dongwha will announce its full plan within the first half of 2021.

The production capacity for the new factory is yet unknown.

The company had previously said it was planning to spend 45 billion won, starting in July, for its new factory in Hungary that will have an annual capacity of 20,000 metric tonnes.

People familiar with the matter said the US factory will likely have an annual capacity of around 30,000 metric tonnes.

Dongwha currently has an annual capacity of 33,000 metric tonnes. It will secure over 80,000 metric tonnes in total once its two new factories start production.

In Hungary, the company is also planning to run an n-methyl pyrrolidone processing facility to reuse them. EcoPro and LG Energy Solution has a similar business planned for the latter’s factory in Poland, where they will reuse scrubs and defective batteries in production.

Electrolytes account for around 10% of battery cost. Dongwha Electrolyte acquired Panaxetec in August 2019 to enter the electrolyte business. It supplies its products to SK Innovation and Samsung SDI.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
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