UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Samsung launches new LED for intelligent headlamps in cars
Samsung launches new LED for intelligent headlamps in cars
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.04.15 18:32
  • 댓글 0
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Called PixCell LED
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung Electronics said on Thursday that it has launched a new automotive LED module that can be used in intelligent headlights such as adaptive driving beam systems.

Called PixCell LED, they will improve driver visibility and safety, the company said.

Samsung monolithically integrated more than 100 ultra-small segments into a single LED chip, while making the light-emitting area significantly smaller at the same time.

These segments are separated by a silicon wall to prevent optical cross-talk which allows it to offer superior contrast of 300 to 1 for much greater driver visibility, the company said.

Each segment functions like a pixel to precisely control light distribution, as it distinguishes on and off areas so that the beam from the headlight only illuminates the exact location where it is needed.

With the light-emitting area shrunk to sixteenth of conventional LED modules for ADB systems, the PixCell LED can reduce the headlamp size by 30% to 50%, allowing greater freedom in designing sleeker and more elegant lamps, Samsung added.

The brightness of headlamps designed based on PixCell LED can be calibrated using software. This ability to customize light output will allow vendors to reduce time-to-market, the company said.

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