UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Solus to expand copper foil factory in Luxembourg to meet 5G demand 
Solus to expand copper foil factory in Luxembourg to meet 5G demand 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.03 19:07
  • 댓글 0
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By up to 15,000 metric tonnes
Image: Solus Advanced Materials
Image: Solus Advanced Materials

Solus Advanced Materials said on Monday that it will expand the production capacity of its copper foil factory in Luxembourg to meet rising demand from 5G.

Its subsidiary there, Circuit Foil Luxembourg, will expand its production capacity from 12,000 metric tonnes a year to 15,000 metric tonnes a year.

Solus said it controlled 70% market share in the market for high-end copper foil used in 5G applications.

The expanded capacity at Luxembourg will allow the company to meet customer demand first hand.

These high-end copper foils for 5G are being used in networks, data centers, the cloud, IoT, drone sensors, semiconductors and advanced driver assistance systems, the Korean component firm said.

Solus is planning to expand its production capacity of elecfoil used in electric cars as well. It plans to secure an annual production capacity of 90,000 metric tonnes for them by 2025.

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