UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Power GaN market to grow 70% a year up to 2026
Power GaN market to grow 70% a year up to 2026
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.07 20:15
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According to Yole Development
Image: Yole Development
Image: Yole Development

Power gallium nitride (GaN) chip market is expected to grow at a high rate in the next five years from consumer charging devices, according to market research firm Yole Development.

The power GaN market was worth US$46 million in 2020, but this will grow 70% on average per year until 2026, when the market will be worth US$1.1 billion.

GaN power chips have faster switching speed and three times the band gap of their silicon counterpart.

Due to this characteristic, GaN is being applied more and more to RF equipment, appliances and other applications.

Demand is expected to highest smartphone ultra-fast chargers, according to Yole Development. Consumer sector of the power GaN market is expected to grow on average 69% a year up to 2026 where it will be worth US$672 million. The sector will account for 61% for the entire power GaN market in that year.

A total of 10 OEMs __ including Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Lenovo and Realme __ have launched over 18 models of smartphones with GaN chargers, the market research firm said.

The telecom, which includes 5G, and data sector will grow on average 71% a year up to 2026 to be worth US$223 million, Yole Development said. L-Tech, Delta and Bell Power have all begin to apply GaN-based power devices, the firm said.

The automotive and mobility sector will grow at the fastest rate at 185% on average per year. This sector will be worth US$155 million in 2026. 

Automobile OEM and tier-1 suppliers are expected to use GaN chips for DC/DC converters and on board chargers starting next year.

In electric cars, however, silicon converters are being preferred, Yole Development noted. They are more expensive than GaN but can handle ten times the voltage and can activate at over 400 Celsius, it added.

In the long-term, if GaN chips can offer more competitive price, reliability and handle high voltage, it could enter the electric car market. The research firm said.

Global companies such as Rohm, Infineon and ON Semiconductor, as well as South Korean companies such as RFHIC, A-Pro and Sigetronics are developing GaN chips.

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