UPDATED. 2024-10-14 10:38 (월)
LB Lusem to expand DDI backend capacity by 10 million units per month
LB Lusem to expand DDI backend capacity by 10 million units per month
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.11 22:40
  • 댓글 0
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Firm seeing large demand from OLED
Image: LB Lusem CEO Hyunchang Shin
Image: LB Lusem CEO Hyunchang Shin

LB Lusem will add 10 million units per month in its display driver IC (DDI) backend processing capacity, the company CEO Hyunchang Shin said on Monday.

The company currently has a capacity of 80 million units per month, which was running at full capacity due to high demand, Shin said.

The firm plans to use the fund from its listing on KOSDAQ, which is scheduled for the end of this month, to add 10 million units per month in capacity.

Shin said it was important that the company scales its production capacity for growth amid the currently global ship shortage.

More DDI is used as display panels become higher resolution, the CEO said. OLED panels use more DDIs compared to liquid crystal display panels and LB Lusem was seeing significant growth in the area, Shin said.

LB Lusem will also invest in back grinding back metal business, which it started in 2020, going forward. It aims to have the new business account for 10% of its sales by 2023, the CEO said.

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