UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
Samsung launches new smart monitor
Samsung launches new smart monitor
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.25 11:18
  • 댓글 0
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43-inch UHD model
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung on Monday launched a new smart monitor.

The company added a new 43-inch UHD model, called M7, to its existing line-up, it said.

Samsung launched the 32-inch UHD model called M7 in December. In the same month, the firm also launched the M5 model which comes in 32-inch and 27-inch sizes and support FHD resolution. It added white colors for M5 earlier this month.

Samsung’s smart monitors run on smart hub based on the Tizen OS. They can be used to play contents without the need to be connected to a PC.

All smart monitor can use Wi-Fi to play contents from Netflix, YouTube, Wave and other OTT services.

Samsung own apps TV Plus and Universal Guide are also included.

The monitors can be connected to both Windows and Macs. They also support Microsoft 365 through the cloud. Samsung Bixby, Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are also available.

The monitors can also be used like PC through Dex. They also supports smartphone screen mirroring through the tap view feature. They also have Apple AirPlay 2.

The monitors also have adaptive picture, eye saver mode and flicker free features.

The latest M7 series has a USB-C port and support 65W charging and 10Gbps of data transfer rate. It can be connected to USB 2.0 and Bluetooth 4.2. A solar cell powered remote control also comes with this particular monitor. M7 43-inch is priced 650,000 won in South Korea.

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