UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Samsung launches Zoned Namespace SSD
Samsung launches Zoned Namespace SSD
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.06.04 07:22
  • 댓글 0
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PM1731a has up to 4 times the life span of normal SSDs, firm says
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung Electronics has launched a new SSD to with Zoned Namespace (ZNS) technology applied.

PM1731a is built with Samsung’s Gen 6 V-NAND and comes in 4TB and 2TB storage options.

It will come in 2.5-inch form, with mass production beginning in the second half of the year, the company said.

It is Samsung’s first SSD with ZNS applied. The technology divides the storage space into zones depending on the usage and access frequency of the data.

This allows the SSD to go through less write and rewrite processes compared to conventional SSDs that store data randomly, which caused so-called garbage areas where useful and useless data are mixed together.

Having ZNS will extend the life of SSDs between three to four times than their conventional counterparts, Samsung said.

Overprovisioning, where some storage space is left unused for efficiency, is also no longer required, the company said.

PM1731a also supports dual ports. Samsung said it will make its ZND technology available on xNVMe, the open source project for developers.

It will also be available on Intel’s Storage Performance Development Kit.

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