UPDATED. 2024-11-06 17:16 (수)
Hanmi completes new dual-chuck saw factory 
Hanmi completes new dual-chuck saw factory 
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.06.07 16:44
  • 댓글 0
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Firm now has four factories for fab equipment
Image: Hanmi Semiconductor
Image: Hanmi Semiconductor

South Korean fab equipment firm Hanmi Semiconductor said on Monday that it has completed a new factory to manufacture dual-chuck saw used in chip packaging.

The factory was built at an industrial park at Incheon and will manufacture Hanmi’s dual-chuck saws, called Micro Saw by the company.

The new factory was built on 6,581 meter-square of space and is three stories tall.

The building houses 40 work bays, a large cleanroom, an advanced measuring room and the latest packaging system. It will be able to handle chip assembly, testing and supply.

Hanmi said it has spent 59 billion won for the past two years on the new factory and other facility expansions.

It now has four factories on 40,773 meter-square of space which it calls its own fab equipment cluster.

The company said it now has the capacity to manufacture 1,320 units of fab equipment per year, which equals around 600 billion won in sales per year.

This was the largest capacity in the world for a chip backend company, Hanmi claimed.

The company said it will be able to react to rising demand from assembly and testing companies that are, in turn, benefiting from the high demand for semiconductors and TSMC’s increased spending in its foundry operation.

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