UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Almost all OLED smartphones in 6-inch range
Almost all OLED smartphones in 6-inch range
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.07.13 18:18
  • 댓글 0
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According to UBI Research
Image: UBI Research
Image: UBI Research

A total of 122 models of OLED smartphones were launched in the first half of 2021, according to market research firm UBI Research.

Out of the total, 119 models, or 97.5%, were in the 6-inch range in terms of size, the firm said.

This is a 20 point increase from 2018, when 78% of OLED smartphones had 6-inch screen sizes, UBI Research noted.

In the first half of 2021, Asus’ ZenFone 8 was the only OLED smartphone with 5-inch range screen. Xiaomi Mi Mix Fold And Huawei Mate X2 were the two OLED smartphones with screen in the 8-inch range. There were no 7-inch range OLED smartphones.

Out of the 122 models, 103 of them had hole displays, while 13 of them had notches and six of them had narrow bezel designs. There were no models with a home button.

In terms of resolution, 64 models, or 52.5% of the total, had 400 to 500ppi; 28 models had under 400ppi; while ten models had over 500ppi. Sony Xperia 1 II had a screen resolution of 643ppi, the highest out of the models.

In terms of display area, or how much the display accounts for the front face of the phone, 84.4% of the models had the screen account for between 80% to 90% of the front-facing area. Huawei Mate 40 Pro 4G had a display area of 94.1%. Those with over 90% display area accounted for 13.9% of the models. This was due to the removal of the home button and the trend towards full screen, UBI Research added.

Image: UBI Research
Image: UBI Research


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