UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
TSI to supply Stellantis’ ACC with battery equipment 
TSI to supply Stellantis’ ACC with battery equipment 
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2021.07.16 14:49
  • 댓글 0
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Mixers for factory at Nersac, France
Image: TSI
Image: TSI

South Korean battery equipment maker TSI will be supplying its equipment to Automotive Cell Company (ACC), a joint venture of Stellantis, TheElec has learned.

ACC’s battery factory is planned to be built at Nersac in the southern region of France. The equipment will be installed there.

Stellantis, which inaugurated in January with the merger of FCA and PSA, has 15 car brands under its wings __ these include Puegeot, Citroen, Fiat, Maserati and others.

ACC is a joint venture between the automobile giant and Saft, a subsidiary of French energy group Total.

TSI will be supplying its mixing equipment as well other auxiliary equipment used to deposit, store and transport materials. It had won a turn-key order from ACC.

TSI will be supplying its 2,300 liter mixers. LG Energy Solution also uses mixers of the same capacity.

Installation of the equipment will be completed by November. The order from ACC was worth 7.6 billion won.

It is highly like that TSI will be supplying more equipment to ACC afterwards. This is because the French firm’s new factory is a pilot line that will act as a mother fab for later expansions. The same equipment will likely be used if ACC starts construction of a massive commercial production line. A person familiar with the matter said TSI has already signed a contract with ACC deeming it the preferred bidder for more equipment for future commercial lines.

ACC is planning to spend 5 billion euros by 2030 in France Germany to build more battery factories.

Its first factory is planned to have a capacity of 24GWh; the company is aiming for a total capacity of 64GWh.

TSI listed on KOSDAQ in July last year from KONEX. Besides ACC, it supplies its equipment to Samsung SDI, LG Energy Solution and Panasonic.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
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