UPDATED. 2024-09-05 22:55 (목)
MEMS market to grow 11% in 2021
MEMS market to grow 11% in 2021
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.07.19 14:24
  • 댓글 0
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According to Yole Development 
Image: Yole Development
Image: Yole Development

Micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) market is expected to grow 11% this year compared to a year ago thanks to increase in demand from smartphones and wearable devices, according to market research firm Yole Development.

MEMS refers to microscopic devices. Microphones, sensors and other devices with MEMS applied to being used in smartphones, appliances, automobiles and others.

Last year, the MEMS market grew only 2% compared to 2019 to be worth US$12.1 billion.

After it grows 11% year-on-year this year to be worth US$13.4 billion, the market will continue to post double digit growth up to 2026, when it will be US$18.2 billion, Yole Development said.

Demand for MEMS in the consumer space recovered in the second half last year despite the pandemic, performing better than MEMS used in automobiles, the research firm said.

MEMS used in the consumer space is expected to continue leading the market’s growth this year.

Optical image stabilization sensors with MEMS applied will show the highest average growth rate up to 2026 of 214%.

MEMS speakers are also expected to grow at a rapid rate thanks to the popularity of true wireless speakers. Wearables and wireless earphones will also used MEMS microphones, Yole Development said.

MEMS gas sensors to detect air inside cars are also seeing high demand, the research firm noted. Sensors that detect the air quality indoors and outdoors are being used more widely in werable devices due to the pandemic as well, Yole Development said.

In contract, MEMS sales from lidar, augmented reality and virtual reality are expected to remain flat for the next five years. Yole Development said these optical MEMS devices will grow according to how fast the autonomous driving sector grows.

In terms of MEMS sales, Bosch topped the list, followed by Broadcom. Qorvo ranked third, ST Microelectronics fourth and Texas Instrument fifth.

Qorvo, which supplies RF MEMS, recorded stable growth from 2019 to 2020 due to the expansion of the 5G market. 

Image: Yole Development
Image: Yole Development


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