Display and semiconductor inspection kit maker Youngwoo DSP said on Wednesday that it has been chosen as the leading company in a national project to develop inspection kit used for chips 10-nanometer (nm) or under.
Under the project, headed by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Youngwoo DSP will develop calcium fluoride (CaF2) optical material and optical module for the semiconductor inspection kit.
Youngwoo DSP said CaF2 has a high transmittance rate for infrared and ultraviolet rays.
Part of the project will develop manufacturing equipment for CaF2 single crystal and 200mm high homogeneity ingot. Another part will design high resolution ultraviolet lens, optical lens and optical lens for commercialization.
The final aim for the project is to mount a deep ultraviolet objective lens. Incoming quality control and inspection systems will also be developed.
Besides Youngwoo DSP, Daeil Systems, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Kookmin University and Arizona State University will also take part as co-researchers in the project.
Youngwoo DSP is aiming to develop the IQC system to evaluate the DUV objective lens by next year.
The inspection system will be developed afterwards to measure the performance of the DUB objective lens.
These technologies will be used to develop the inspection kit that can find defects in 10-nm semiconductor wafers.
Youngwoo DSP said the successful execution of the project will increase local production of semiconductor inspection and analysis systems in South Korea.