UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Hansol Technics increases sales from Samsung LCD module production
Hansol Technics increases sales from Samsung LCD module production
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.08.18 17:33
  • 댓글 0
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Firm closer to entire contract production of TVs
Image: MTC
Image: MTC

Hansol Technics said on Wednesday that sales from its liquid crystal display module (LCM) business reached 177.7 billion won in the first half of 2021.

This is more than the entire sales of 122 billion won from the business it recorded last year.

LCM combines the liquid crystal display with the LED backlighting unit. LCM combined with a cover completes a TV.

Hansol Technics recorded 657.1 billion won in sales in total during the first half of 2021, an increase of 25% year-on-year.

The LCM business accounted for 27.1% of that total sales, a significant increase from 10.2% of the entire last year.

Hansol Technics is likely now closer to contract producing Samsung TVs altogether.

The company, following the request of Samsung’s TV business, built the LCM production line at Ho Chi Minh city in December 2019.

A source within the company at the time said the production line can also manufacture the entire TV module.

They said Samsung has made the request for it to build the line as another contract manufacturer for 30-inch TV at China was its potential rival.

Samsung is expanding its use of contract production of TVs. The firm has outsourced production of TVs in the 30-inch range but is now planning to expand this to 40-inch to 50-inch.

Hansol Technics is building another factory to handle Samsung’s orders.

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