UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
ISC launches new silicon rubber socket for CPU and GPU testing
ISC launches new silicon rubber socket for CPU and GPU testing
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.08.31 08:18
  • 댓글 0
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iSC-X packs more strokes for large chip package testing
Image: ISC
Image: ISC

ISC has launched a new silicon rubber socket that can be used to test large surfaced semiconductor packages.

iSC-XF can be used to test both CPU and GPU. The company said it was the only firm to launch a testing socket that uses silicon rubber.

The South Korean firm is hoping it can replace the widely used pogo pin sockets.

CPU and GPU are large packages that have many curves so silicon rubbers, which have fewer strokes compared to pogo pins, were expected to be difficult to apply as sockets.

But ISC said it has increased the number of strokes on the iSC-XF exponentially so that it can be used for large chip packages.

The socket also has spectrum characteristics that allow it to be applied for 5G devices, the South Korean company said.

iSC-XF can be used in 5G network-based server CPU for data centers and GPU for blockchain application, among other high-end chips, the company said.

ISC is already supplying the sockets to a US-based semiconductor company.

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