UPDATED. 2024-10-15 17:05 (화)
ITC investigates Samsung and LG for potential patent infringements 
ITC investigates Samsung and LG for potential patent infringements 
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2021.09.02 15:45
  • 댓글 0
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Following Sonrai Memory's suit filed in August
Image: ITC
Image: ITC

The International Trade Commission (ITC) of the US has opened an investigation into Samsung, LG, Dell, Lenovo and other electronics maker.

The ITC said on Monday that it is looking into whether their products from notebooks, desktops, servers, handsets to tablets have violated patents related to semiconductors.

It will look into whether the companies have violated article 337 of US’ custom laws.

The article deals with unfair practices of imported products to the US related to patents and trademarks.

ITC is reacting a lawsuit filed by Sonrai Memory on August 2, which claimed these companies have violated its patents.

The firm claims they violated its US patents 7159766, 7325733 and 8193792. These patents deal with memory chips and USB.

ITC could order an injunction against the products of Samsung and other companies if it finds that they have infringed on the patents.

Meanwhile, Sunrai Memory has also filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung and LG at Texas in July. The lawsuit deals with the same patents.

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