UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Hyundai to use Infineon power chips for new Nexo
Hyundai to use Infineon power chips for new Nexo
  • Yang Tae Hoon
  • 승인 2021.09.09 14:35
  • 댓글 0
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Car giant also attempting to diversify MEA supply
Image: Hyundai Motor
Image: Hyundai Motor

Hyundai Motor Company will use power management ICs made by Germany’s Infineon Technologies for all of its Nexo model launching in 2023, TheElec has learned.

Its affiliate Hyundai Mobis is attempting to manufacture its own power chips, but Hyundai Motor isn’t planning to use them yet as it believes they are not cost competitive yet.

Hyundai Motor is also attempting to procure membrane electrode assembly (MEA) from other companies besides Hyundai Mobis.

Infineon’s chips will be used for the electronic control unit (ECU) on the hydrogen fuel cell system on Nexo, which will be at its third generation in 2023.

Hyundai Motor had reused a lot of the same components it applied on its combustible engine cars for the hydrogen fuel cell system on Nexo, people familiar with the matter said.

The automobile giant is procuring stainless cell separator used on the system from Posco SPS.

This allowed the firm to lower the cost of the hydrogen fuel cell stack, the people said.

However, it is still looking to find a cheaper MEA supply source to lower the system’s cost further, they added.

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