UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
Senko to see new sales from gas sensor supply to SK Hynix
Senko to see new sales from gas sensor supply to SK Hynix
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2021.09.28 17:06
  • 댓글 0
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Starting in Q4
Image: Senko
Image: Senko

Electrochemical gas sensor company Senko is expected to see new sales from the semiconductor sector during the fourth quarter.

The company is expected to supply its sensors to two fabs run by SK Hynix, one at Cheongju and another a Icheon, which will help it secure sales of 2.5 billion won to 3 billion won, people familiar with the matter said.

Senko mostly supplied its gas sensors previously to oil and steel companies. It was selected as a supplier to SK Hynix last month, allowing into expand into the semiconductor space.

Senko’s sensors will be used to detect around 80 poisonous or flammable gases that forms during wafer fabrication.

The company was in talks with SK Hynix over how many sensors it will supply and unit prices, the people said.

Senko was also discussing potentially also supplying its sensors to the South Korean memory giant’s fab at Wuxi, China, they said.

Meanwhile, the gas sensor company is also currently customizing its products to supply them to Samsung Electronics as well.

It was also developing gas alarms and smell detectors that can be used in wafer fabrication.

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