LG Electronics said on Wednesday that it has supplied the advanced driving assistance system (ADAS) camera module on the 2021 Mercedes-Benz C-Class.
The South Korean electronic maker said its ADAS offers automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning, lane keeping assist, traffic sign recognition, intelligent head-light control and adaptive cruise control.
These features will ensure the safety of the vehicle’s occupants as well as pedestrians and motorists, LG said.
The company’s ADAS features AI and deep learning technologies that allow the camera to collect and process various road data.
The system recognizes the surrounding environment and is constantly analyzing the vehicle’s position relative to moving and stationary objects around it, LG said.
LG’s vehicle component solutions business developed the system. The ADAS camera module received the ISO 26262 Functional Safety Product and Functional Safety Process certifications from TUV Rheinland.