UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
LG vice chairman to become LG Energy Solution CEO
LG vice chairman to become LG Energy Solution CEO
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2021.10.25 18:07
  • 댓글 0
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Kwon to get top job on November 1
LG vice chairman Kwon Young-soo Image: LG
LG vice chairman Kwon Young-soo Image: LG

The vice chairman of LG Corp, the holding company of the LG business group, will become the new CEO of LG Energy Solution.

LG vice chairman Kwon Young-soo will take the top job of the South Korean battery maker after votes from shareholders and the board.

Kwon had previous headed the battery business at LG Chem from 2012 to 2015.

Under his tenure, the business won orders from automobile brands such as Audi and Daimler.

Kwon was named COO of LG Corp in 2018 to help new chairman Koo Kwang-mo, who became the leader of the business group after his father passed away that year.

Kwon had put LG’s focus on the electronics, chemical and telecommunication sectors since he became the COO of LG Corp.

The vice chairman graduated Seoul National University and has a Master’s from KAIST.

He joined LG Electronics in 1979 and became the president overseeing the finance of the company in 2006. He became CEO of LG Display in 2008.

An LG Corp spokesperson said chairman Koo Kwang-mo’s trust in Kwon was behind the naming.

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