UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Samsung aiming to ship 334 million smartphones in 2022
Samsung aiming to ship 334 million smartphones in 2022
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2021.11.11 17:15
  • 댓글 0
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54 million units for Galaxy S series
13 million for foldable phones
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung is aiming to ship 334 million units of smartphones in 2022, TheElec has learned.

According to the company’s plan obtained by TheElec, out of that total, Samsung is planning to manufacture 285 million units, while the remaining 49 million units will be made by joint development manufacturers.

For its flagship Galaxy S series, it is aiming to ship 54 million units in 2022. For foldable phones, it is aiming for 13 million units __ almost double its target for 2021 of 7 million units. 

To reach 13 million units, it is aiming to ship 4 million units of Galaxy Z Fold and 9 million units of Z Flip.

Samsung is also aiming to ship 176 million units of ENTRY phones __ its name for low-end phones.

For HIGH + MID phones, its name for mid-tier phones, it is aiming to ship 91 million units. Out of that total, 8 million units will be for HIGH phones, the higher-tier models out of its mid-tier phones, while 83 million units will be for MID phones.

Samsung’s total annual target is its highest in recent years. Since 2018, Samsung has always shipped smartphones under 300 million units every year.

It first exceeded 300 million units in 2013 and afterward always set its target at above 300 million units up to 2017.

It is highly likely that Samsung won’t be able to ship over 300 million units again this year due to the chip shortage and the temporary halt of its production facilities in Vietnam due to the pandemic.

It remains to be seen also whether the South Korean conglomerate can meet its target of 334 million units as the chip shortage is continuing and demand for smartphones slowing down.

Samsung's shipment target breakdown Image: TheElec
Samsung's shipment target breakdown Image: TheElec


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