UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Hankuk Carbon and LIG Nex1 to co-develop UAM
Hankuk Carbon and LIG Nex1 to co-develop UAM
  • Yang Tae Hoon
  • 승인 2021.11.15 17:14
  • 댓글 0
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Firm also in talks with Hyundai Motor for collaboration
Image: Hankuk Carbon
Image: Hankuk Carbon

Hakuk Carbon and LIG Nex1 is aiming to co-develop an urban air mobility (UAM) vehicle with the aim of commercializing it in 2025, TheElec has learned.

Hankuk is aiming to develop a rotor blade with 64dB of noise levels for a 200kg drone that will be powered by hydrogen fuel-cell.

Hankuk was currently part of a national project to develop motors, inverters and rotor blades, people familiar with the matter said.

Besides its collaboration with LIG Nex1, it was also in talks with Hyundai Motor to enter the civilian UAM market, they added.

Hankuk Carbon was founded in 1984 and started off as carbon fiber and composite resin producer. In the 2000s, it expanded into insulation material based on reinforced polyurethane.

Last year, the company recorded 411.7 billion won in revenue and 75.7 billion won in operating profit.

A Hankuk Carbon spokesperson said it is also expecting carbon fibers to be applied in UAM as they are required to be light.

The company was also developing technologies related to hydrogen fuel tanks, they said.

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