UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Samsung and LG introduce new TVs at CES 2022
Samsung and LG introduce new TVs at CES 2022
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2022.01.03 15:34
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung introduces Micro LED TV in new sizes 
LG shows home appliances
Image: Samsung, LG
Image: Samsung, LG

Samsung and LG on Monday unveiled new TVs at CES 2022, which will run from January 5 to 7 at Las Vegas.

Samsung said its new MicroLED TVs will come in 110-inch, 101-inch and 89-inch sizes.

MicroLED TVs are comprised of micrometer-sized LEDs, usually under 100 micrometers individually, that act as pixels.

Samsung said its latest versions are easy to install, come with an art mode to display arts and a split-screen feature to display multiple contents simultaneously as well as Dolby Atmos sound.

The Korean tech giant also said it strengthened smart TV features on its new TVs. Its 2022 model TVs, which include new Neo QLED TV models, will use machine learning for content recommendation.

They will also be more connected to gaming platforms from Nvidia and Google, Samsung added.

Meanwhile, LG will unveil its new OLED Evo TVs, QNED TVs and Nanocell TVs through a virtual booth.

It will also show off its smart home concepts decorated with its home appliances. Visitors will be able to choose color palettes of the appliances and interior designs of the surrounding area.

An autonomous vehicle concept called Omnipod will also be on display at the virtual booth.

LG said it will also run an augmented reality booth at its offline showroom at CES 2022.

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